Stories by tag: HK T20 Blitz

Hong Kong Sixes cancelled

On July 22, Emerging Cricket broke the news that the Blitz was to be cancelled and the Sixes was also under threat. A week...

Scrap the Sixes, salvage the Blitz

Emerging Cricket was the first to break the news that the Hong Kong T20 Blitz, the event that unearthed Nepal's Sandeep Lamichhane, is to...

Hong Kong T20 Blitz to be axed, Sixes also under threat

The event that spurred the meteoric rise of Nepal's Sandeep Lamichhane, the Hong Kong T20 Blitz, is to be cancelled, Emerging Cricket understands. Less than...

Has a precedent been set for a new wave of Indian T20 globetrotters with Yuvraj and Gony decisions?

The big news coming out of the GT20 Canada draft was that Indian legend Yuvraj Singh would play in the event. The second Indian name; and...

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