Major League Cricket - Page 2

Minor League Cricket review part 1: Team Turf

‘Fifty on artificial is worth fifteen on turf.’ Morrisville Cardinals coach Alvin Kallicharran’s words echoed as I reviewed the Minor League (MiLC) exhibition award...

Minor League Cricket exhibition week 4, Church Street Park debuts under lights

Minor League Cricket will feature ten games in the 4th weekend of competition, per USA Cricket’s announcement. With North Carolina’s Church Street Park making...

Covid-19 strikes Minor League again, schedule changes

A coach from the NJ Stallions has tested positive for Covid-19, according to an announcement from USA Cricket via Twitter. The positive test comes...

Week three of Minor League Cricket exhibition announced

Minor League Cricket’s exhibition season has been in full swing these past two weekends, and there’s more to come. USA Cricket announced a slate...

Four new Minor League teams set for exhibition debuts

Four Minor League Cricket teams will make their debuts on Saturday, September 19, in the second weekend of Minor League Cricket’s inaugural exhibition season....

MiLC Covid-19: player tests positive, 5 games postponed

A member of Minor League Cricket's DC Hawks has tested positive for Covid-19, according to an announcement by USA Cricket. Following the weekend of...

Jessy Singh and Shayan Jahangir bring CPL experiences to Minor League Cricket

Two of the CPL ICC Americas players joined their Minor League Cricket teams for inaugural games this weekend. Jessy Singh of Guyana Amazon Warriors...

American cricketers eager for weekend exhibitions, Minor League Cricket partner announced

The 2020 exhibition edition of Minor League Cricket now has a primary presenting partner, according to a release by USA Cricket on Tuesday. Sistar...

Minor League Cricket taking shape: 15 of 24 teams complete draft picks

On Saturday, the 22nd of August, 2020, Minor League Cricket reached another milestone: The Minor League Draft. This coming after a week of significant...

Minor League Cricket announces teams and owners list, draft on August 22, exhibition games tentative

After a summer of regular changes to the Minor League Cricket timetable, the league has finally made an announcement with some permanence. On Saturday...

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